Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am - 6:30 pm
Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
You can sign up for classes in the customer portal. If you have questions you can email the office.
Family discounts are offered when more than one immediate family member is enrolled in recreational programs at the same time. Only the most expensive tuition pays full fare and all lesser tuitions are discounted at 10% each. In addition, a 15% multi-class discount is available for any student who is signed up for two or more recreational classes at the same time.
Roots Gymnastics enrollment is continuous, which means that each student is enrolled for consecutive months (between September through June) until a parent gives us written notification to disenroll. To disenroll, Roots Gymnastics requires written notice of intent to disenroll to be given at least 30 days in advance from the next tuition due date. There are no refunds for cancellations if notice was not received and there are no refunds for missed classes. Continuous enrollment is considered a customer benefit as it ensures that your child maintains their desired class day and time from month-to-month. Please click here, stop by the front desk for a Withdrawal Form, or email us at
PAYMENT POLICY: Roots Gymnastics memberships run on a MONTHLY and automatic tuition schedule. We ask all families to keep an updated credit card on file. Your tuition for classes is not based on a number of classes, but on a period of time. In any given month there may be 3, 4, or 5 classes depending on holidays, weather events, or scheduled gym closings. Tuition for all programs and other activities is due in-full at the time of sign-up and families are required to keep a working credit card on file. Tuition may be paid BEFORE the first of the month by other means (check, cash or other credit card). However, if tuition is not received before the first the family's credit card on file will be processed for all current charges due. We will not hold a spot in a class without full payment and you cannot register for any class more than two weeks prior to your scheduled start date. There are no refunds for dropped or missed classes.
Payment for any Special Events are due upon enrollment. These fees are non-refundable and no credits or rescheduling options are available.